Five awesome Google source code tricks(Google Easter Eggs)

6:40 AM

Google stands as my favorite company so far, their products make most of them available for free. Google's new products and ideas really make surprises to every one. It's no surprise that Google makes may interesting tricks and ideas into the Google source code. The five awesome Google Easter eggs that I have mentioned are as follows.

Zerg Rush

Have you seen that the 'o' defend Google search results.
To do that, type "Zerg Rush" into the Google search bar and press enter. Can you see the illusion of Google.
Play Snake game while loading YouTube video
It is introduced mainly for slow Internet connections. While your YouTube video loads, it take time, right (slow connections)?

In such situations pause the video and hold left arrow key for three seconds, then press down key. The flash player will open a Snake game which will keep you busy while video loads.

Use Google Earth flight Stimulator 

Go to Google Earth, press Ctrl+Alt+A, pick betweenF16 ans SR 22.  More...

Open Google maps and go to directions, set start location to "The Shire" and destination to "Mordor", form of transport to "Walking". You know where this is going.

Meaning of Lyf 
Google "answer to life, universe and everything". You will either surprise or it will set you on the path of enlightenment. 

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